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Dr-harry-summer-sober Dr. Harry: 8 Amazing Tips For Living Sober This Summer

Tips from Dr. Harry for living sober this summer. How can addicts in recovery stay sober this summer and not drink or use?

dr-harry-sober-summer Alcohol Addiction: Do You Need A Sober Summer?

Many people in Southern California who are struggling with an alcohol addiction or dependence, view the summertime as a very challenging time to stay sober.

Cleaning House: It’s Time To Get Clean & Sober With Dr. Harry

Getting addiction treatment for any substance abuse is just a click away. Reach out to Dr. Harry and take that first step at cleaning house today.

The Importance Of Having An Expert Do An Intervention

An intervention specialist is an expert with certification, training and experience in staging a successful intervention to help addicted people break their cycle of denial.

Aftercare: Addiction Rehabilitation & Aftercare With Dr. Harry

Completing addiction treatment from drugs or alcohol is a major accomplishment, however, it doesn’t mean that there’s not more work to do afterwards.

Private Rehab With Celebrity Doctor Harry Haroutunian

While most high-end celebrity rehab centers are on the West Coast thanks to the proximity to Hollywood, brand new high-end and private pay facilities are becoming increasingly popular all over.

Concierge Addiction Medicine With Dr. Harry L. Haroutunian, MD

A lot has been written recently about the arising need in the world of medicine for concierge medical treatment and approaching addiction as a disease. Whether you agree that it is a disease or not, addiction is a condition that can permeate and debilitate a persons life if not properly treated.

What Is The Best Way To Detox? The First Step To Getting Sober

In a world filled with so many toxic influences it’s no wonder the most popular web search is for “what is the best way to detox?”

dr-harry-desert-living-show-addiction-detox-2 Dr. Harry on the Desert Living Show: Addiction & Detox 2

A second segment on Addiction & Detox on the Desert Living Show where Dr. Harry breaks down what addiction is and how to seek help.

Celebrity-private-detox-treatment-dr-harry Why Private Treatment For Substance Abuse Is Not Just For Celebrities

Successful people from all walks of life have problems with alcoholism, substance abuse and addiction, not just celebrities. However, just like a celebrity, you may find yourself in the position of needing private treatment so that your addiction doesn’t threaten your professional accomplishments.