Addiction is a disease which does not discriminate though there are treatment options. Individuals suffering from alcohol and drug addiction are all around us. They are our friends, our lawyers, our doctors and our family members. They are people who deserve a better way of life, a life void of addictive and toxic behaviors and full of hope and health.
Dr. Harry has been practicing medicine for over 40 years and specializing in the treatment of addiction for over 15 years. During that time, he experienced positive outcomes and developed cutting edge, evidenced-based programs that have helped thousands of addicts change their lives. Throughout his career, Dr. Harry has been witness to significant change in treatment and the pervasiveness of addiction. Two main issues stuck out to him; not enough people receive treatment and not everyone can be treated the same way.
Because of his personal and professional experiences, Dr. Harry set out to create the premier individualized, concierge treatment experience available in the country. Each client is evaluated based on their needs and an appropriate treatment plan is created which addresses those unique needs, while honoring the time and resources available to create the appropriate plan.
Offering a full-continuum of care and multiple pathways to recovery, the treatment can be delivered through Dr. Harry’s Recovery & Wellness Network, in-home care with 24-hour staff, locally in accommodations of the client’s choosing and remotely via tele-health. The entire process is managed by: a licensed medical professional and supported by counselors, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, sober coaches, sober companions, holistic practitioners, nutritionists, spiritual guides and fitness experts. Dr. Harry and his team believe the solution lies in biological, psychological, social and spiritual interventions and that the whole self must be treated, as well as the family or professional environment the client is coming from and returning to.
Dr. Harry and his team can create a solution for you and will use any resource available, and all aspects of care, to bundle the ultimate service delivery that can condense months, or even years, of treatment into a shorter timeframe. This a la carte and individualized approach also allows Dr. Harry to customize the individual’s needs and financial resources. Dr. Harry also utilizes tele-medicine and distance learning tools to help make his custom treatments available regardless of geography. Dr. Harry’s practice was built for those individuals who desperately need relief from an addiction lifestyle—whether for the first time or after umpteen stints in treatment.
One of Dr. Harry’s greatest talents is connecting with people who suffer from addiction and presenting the problem and the solution in a way that everyone can understand and relate to. His roots in small town family medicine in Vermont taught him that you need to give people tools, that the doctor or hospital is not always local and self-efficacy is crucial to success. This led him to teach, console, support and above all love all patients as family. Patients over the years have traced their success back to one aspect of their treatment~ Dr. Harry.
In his book, Being Sober: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Through and Living in Recovery, Dr. Harry highlights some points which serve as a foundation for his treatment.
Research dating back to the 1950s has led most medical professionals to understand that addiction is not a moral issue but a disease—a brain disease to be specific, and one that has genetic links. But addiction is a brain disease with signs and symptoms, manifested in part as behaviors. And like diabetes or MS, alcoholism and addiction have a target organ, a cause, and an effect, which we call symptoms.
Addiction progresses to the point where a person experiences biological, psychological, social, and spiritual consequences. He or she cannot stop. The pattern may be episodic binge use or regular consumption, but the result is always unpredictable.
The high-functioning, high-achieving alcoholic or addict, is a special case worthy of an intense and very specific approach to recovery. Whole programs, like the licensed professional programs Dr. Harry has implemented around the country, are devoted to this group. The high-achieving group includes people like physicians, attorneys, pilots, executives, professional athletes, and entertainers—people who, because of their legacy, accomplishments, and success, tend to find it much more difficult to embrace the qualities of surrender and connected spirituality that will get them into a safe recovery. Those who fall into this category face a particularly tough road, and getting them to accept help can seem next to impossible. If they are not forced into treatment by a court, a professional board, or their employer, they are best helped by a professional intervention. Afterward, they typically require specialized treatment. The good news is once they’ve accepted recovery, high achievers have the greatest chance of staying in it. This is a group Dr. Harry and his team specialize in and whom are underserved in traditional treatment programs and facilities.
Recovery is a safe place where we explore new ground; where we can open our gifts, talents and creativity to share them with the world. In recovery, we have a love of life and are able to have just plain fun. In rehabilitation with a broken leg, we hope to gain back 80%-90% of our original function. Rarely do we approach or get back to 100%. In recovery from addiction however, we get back much more than we ever had before, even at the top of our game while we were using, 150%-200% and more is an achievable goal.
In Dr. Harry’s experience, the cognitive difficulties we have when entering a treatment program and being introduced to the Twelve Steps prevent us from understanding a very simple concept. Although Dr. Harry has never seen anyone too cognitively disrupted or impaired to get this simple program eventually, he has seen many people too smart to get it. How so? The Steps may not be too difficult to understand intellectually, but to embrace them emotionally, engage with them, and take action because of them is the real challenge for many people. To the newcomer, the Twelve Steps and the principles they embrace seem to be written in a foreign language. Dr. Harry presents these concepts in a simple version—his version of the Twelve Steps.
We make four basic shifts: fear to trust, self-pity to gratitude, resentment to acceptance, and dishonesty to honesty. Through treatment and into our recovery, we experience a spiritual awakening. This does not necessarily mean we become holy rollers or start our own ministry (or even that we need to attend church regularly). A spiritual awakening is a shift in perception. Sometimes this shift is large and profound. Most times, it’s subtle and may even happen piecemeal. How we experience a spiritual awakening is less important than the changes that result. Once we’ve stopped our spiritual yawning, we wake up. We can begin to live again.
William L. White, historian and addiction specialist, defines culture as “a way of life, a means of organizing one’s daily existence, and a way of viewing people and events in the outside world.” In a culture of addiction, a group of people might share the viewpoint that getting drunk or high is fun and exciting and that being sober is a drag, or that going to AA or treatment is like going to a cult. If we change the lens (the mindset of the group) to that of promoting sobriety, we find ourselves in a culture of recovery. In this culture, the viewpoint is that sobriety and recovery bring us a full and meaningful life and that getting drunk or high is ruinous and deadly, at least for the addict.
A clean slate is a state of mind we have when we’ve taken proper care of our recovery business, a state of mind where we have no issues going on that could cause us anger or resentment. We use certain Twelve Step tools to take care of this business.