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Naming the Problem

Drunkard Junkie Wino Sot From Not As Prescribed These words can stir up thought of obnoxious, foul-smelling panhandler stumbling through streets or dazed scab-ridden youth lounging in a coma-like state in some Godforsaken apartment or abandoned warehouse on the wrong side of town. The stereotypical thoughts and images these words conjure up are true in […]

The Target Organ of Addiction

The disease of alcoholism and drug addiction affects one of our more precious organs; the midbrain

Sober Holidays: Ways To Focus On Things That bring Joy In Recovery Host a holiday gathering for recovery friends and/or attend one of the many celebrations of your Twelve Step group. Write a letter to at least one person who has touched your life in a meaningful way during the past year. This is not […]

How To Keep Your Cool AND Your Sobriety This Holiday Season

The Holiday Season has begun and from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day people celebrate this time of year with parties, family dinners, holiday events, work get-togethers, holiday open houses, and 24/7 socializing. This time of year is supposed to be about gratitude, family, joy and celebration, however for addicts in recovery it can just as […]

The Journey Of Change: The Importance Of Change In Addiction Recovery

journey of change for people in recovery is filled with many ups and downs, thrills and chills, and most of all, a leap of faith into a world of joy and possibility.

Dr-harry-summer-sober Dr. Harry: 8 Amazing Tips For Living Sober This Summer

Tips from Dr. Harry for living sober this summer. How can addicts in recovery stay sober this summer and not drink or use?

Cleaning House: It’s Time To Get Clean & Sober With Dr. Harry

Getting addiction treatment for any substance abuse is just a click away. Reach out to Dr. Harry and take that first step at cleaning house today.

What Is The Best Way To Detox? The First Step To Getting Sober

In a world filled with so many toxic influences it’s no wonder the most popular web search is for “what is the best way to detox?”

Dr. Harry: The Addiction Specialist You Need

We understand how trying this time is for you and your family. Your loved one requires the best addiction specialist in order to obtain long lasting sobriety. This goes well beyond the typical inpatient 12-step program, and Dr. Harry is here to help. Getting Started with an Addiction Specialist The hardest part is reaching out […]