- Addiction House Cleaning: Spring Cleaning For Your Soul

“Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can either be flowers or weeds.” – William Worsdworth

Our relationship with life and recovery is so much like gardening; we see time and time again that we reap what we sow. Now that spring is here it’s the perfect time to “clean house”, recommit to your recovery and get out of winter hibernation mode!

Addiction House Cleaning

There’s a universally good feeling that human beings get when their house and all of their affairs are well managed.  Having all of your paperwork and bills sorted, clean sheets and clothing, a freshly mopped floor or vacuumed carpet, a dust free home and letting go of or recycling unnecessary home items and clothing is an exercise in freedom that nobody should go without doing this Spring.

So this spring we propose doing a little “house cleaning” for your recovery – which is like spring-cleaning for your soul. Spring-cleaning for the soul is all about being more mindful; mindful of what we are taking in to our minds and lives, and mindful of what we are putting out.

Spring-cleaning should be an annual ritual for our mental and emotional health and wellbeing. In addition to looking at what’s not working or not needed in your life and getting rid of it, spring is a great time to choose new habits and behavior patterns that will help support your recovery. Getting more physical exercise, incorporating meditation, connecting with solid relationships, and being responsible are all good ways to achieve (or keep) a sober lifestyle going strong this spring.

Addiction House Cleaning: How To Spring Clean Your Soul


Addiction house cleaning, in simplest terms, means putting the same amount of effort into staying clean and sober as we did into getting high. Everyone in recovery — whether they’ve been sober for a month, or a decade, or can’t make it past a day —can benefit from sprucing things up, dusting out the cobwebs, and doing a recovery adjustment.

One of the first steps in creating the life that you want is clearing out all of the things that you don’t want. Here are some of the many ways you can spring clean your soul and purge the people and things and even places or situations that are no longer enhancing the quality of your life:

  • Get Connected: As an addict of any kind your closest relationship was with your drug of choice. This is a great time to consciously develop more friends and healthy relation ships. Have a support group like AA or another version? The go, go often and then maybe, go some more. Keep a connection with other people in recovery, either in a meeting, a text a call or an activity. Stay connected. You’ll feel better!
  • Get Active: ok, this I not new news- exercise and outdoor or recreational activities reduces stress helps with depression, make us feel stronger physically and emotionally. Focus on restoring a sense of balance in your life with better nutrition as well and being responsible for your overall health with things like eye care, dental and medical check-ups.
  • Clean Out: many people who make their way into recovery are likely to have things in their past that causes feelings of shame and guilt. This can become toxic and cause you to relapse if not dealt with properly. Letting go of regret by taking inventory and making amends is not only done in 12 step programs, because it works. Take the necessary steps to clean up the mess from your past and begin to live your life responsibly. Find a Mentor/Coach/Sponsor a person that offers you support and guidance.
  • Practice Self Care: this means doing things that recharge your soul, bring you happiness, joy, serenity and wellbeing.  For you it might mean sitting down to read a book, meditating, gardening, going to a movie, or even getting an ice cream treat.
  • Help Others: Be of Service – It doesn’t matter what type of service work you do, just do it.

Cleaning house isn’t just about sorting through what’s on manageable in your life are getting rid of the clutter of cumbersome thought patterns and behaviors. It’s about taking stock or taking inventory of who you are what you were doing with your life and where are you like to see yourself going. It’s a chance to redefine yourself perhaps to change your expectations to having done and remembering that it’s never too late to take aim and move in that direction.

Dr. Harry L. Haroutunian: Addiction House Cleaning

There is a slogan in AA Alcoholics Anonymous that many find is a simple and helpful daily reminder that keeps recovery simple: Trust God, Clean House & Help Others.

Springtime is a naturally fitting time for a little addiction house cleaning, to reassess and realign your personal priorities in life, evaluate all of your relationships and make a renewed commitment to self-care and sobriety.

If you want to be sober, and you want to stay sober, you have to take the actions to support such a challenging undertaking. Dr. Harry L. Haroutunian offers physician driven unique and effective solutions for families and individuals who are affected by the disease of addiction. Dr. Harry uses the best clinical team, evidence-based treatment directives and uncompromising principles to help people achieve long-term recovery.

Dr. Harry offers concierge addiction treatment, rehabilitation and recovery service s with a full-continuum of care. Treatment can be delivered through Dr. Harry’s Outpatient Center, or in-home or facility care. No matter what your needs, Dr. Harry is here to help you meet your full potential starting TODAY.